Post by Red DogRondo SX about 8-9 months ago when I got
Post by Red Doginterested in lap steel and when my 'make one in my shop at home' project
suffered some setbacks. In any case the pickup is not great but does the
job. One oddity is that they use screws to hold the cover plate onto the
body - so whenever you want/need to change strings, you have to get a
screw-driver. I replaced my with some handy dandy hard plastic thumb
screws - works fine now. For the money it is hard to beat for a knock
around instrument. Mine came with a HS case and get this - a STRAP! ha!
Good luck
Red Dog
So I take it you got the one with the one piece ashtray pot holder? I
pick up one of those new ones.
So the pickup and string height is non adjustable? There are a few
complaints on the pickup being out of alinement but if I can adjust the
height that shouldn't make any difference should it?
I mean if it's a bit off just raise it some. Shouldn't that make up the
difference? I guess the question is can you raise the pickup?
I like your idea to replace the screws. I'll look into that.
If you were to replace the pup do you have any suggestions? A Fender tele
With a HSC I really can't see how this deal could go wrong.
I've had a few beers this evening - Christmas run up - so this might
not be the best advice I've ever offered. But a) chuck the bloody
cover and b) think of pickup fixing strategies. You could raise the
pickup with shims, and it should swap easily for a Fender p/u, *if
that is what you want*. I would go for a soapbar P90 or GFS Memphis,
and if it doesn't fit, I would shim the bridge up and/or take a chisel
to the pickup cavity- no big deal because I've already chucked the
screw-on cover. If this isn't entirely clear, I'll clarify it in the
morning, hangover permitting..
Tony D
I've got a Duckbucker and a couple of Seymour Duncan design pickups laying
around I'll try first.
I never used the Duckbucker because the output didn't match the other
pickups in my strat. On it's own it should be okay. As far as fitting that
looks like a standard height pup to me as long as I stick with that style.
The cover is attached to the pots and there is a cavity under the cover. So
I'm not sure how I'd chuck the cover without cutting it.
I asked Rondo if they had anymore of the old one's with removable covers and
they said "no unfortunately". I'm still not sure it's a deal breaker.
I going to watch where I like to pick on my Supro and see if it's an issue.
I do my blocking with my left hand. I can't block fer sh!t with my right
hand yet anyway.
There was a nice 1960 Supro on eBay "buy it now" for $220 USD I let get away
because my wife is on her x-mas spending binge. Poop. Maybe there will be
some good deals after x-mas.